The previously separate combat professions (Guard, Scout, Minefighter, and Watchperson) have been merged into a single global combat profession. This significant change combines existing episodical combat levels into one unified level.
Combat items no longer require episode-specific tuning, allowing players to use the same weapons and armor across different episodes. Weapon and armor levels have been automatically increased to match players' new combat levels.
All-new combat capes with 16 progression stages and faction-specific appearances have been added
Old episodical combat capes have been removed with full refunds provided
A single global combat leaderboard replaces episodical combat leaderboards (legacy boards remain viewable but inactive)
New episode capes can be unlocked by reaching certain levels in all professions within that episode
Obelisks now exclusively enchant profession equipment
The Enchantress NPC has been removed from Hopeport
New Infusionist NPC added to the Mine Of Mantuban for rare-to-epic combat item infusion
Some combat-dropped potion reagents have changed (consult Alchemist recipe book)
When crafting weapons in Mine of Mantuban, maximum level is now 'crafting level × 5'
Weapon crafting interface includes new button to set weapon level to player's combat level
Professions interface reorganized into 'Active', 'Passive', and 'Special' tabs
Two new passive foes added to Mine of Mantuban: Squidbeasts and Mushroom Monsters
Fixed bug affecting two-handed weapons - they now properly present higher death risk to balance their faster XP gain
Increased prices for most foraging items, fish, gathering items, logs, stone, and ores to better reflect collection time
Adjusted crime den XP gain rate (10% reduction) to account for dual profession rewards
Fixed issue with passive rewards not being given when premium pass expires
Various typo corrections