Mar 7 Patch Brings Combat Balancing Tweaks

Brighter Shores News

Source: Steam

Quality of Life Improvements

  • 'Past action' option will now persist when changing rooms, though it still resets upon logout or level up

Combat Balance Changes

  • Passive monster levels have been spread out at lower levels, reducing early Knowledge Point requirements

  • The 10% crime den XP reduction has been reverted, as other bug fixes had already appropriately adjusted XP rewards

  • Active monsters below level 800 will now unlock 20 levels ahead instead of 10, providing more high-level opponents

  • The podium puzzle now requires slime instead of beastman claws to accommodate the passive monster level changes

  • Healing potion effectiveness has been improved with new percentages: 15%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, and 45%

  • To balance the improved healing, potion cooldown times have been increased correspondingly

  • The importance of matching weapon damage color to opponent vulnerabilities has been slightly reduced

Bug Fixes

  • Text issues in the 'Lost and Found' quest have been corrected

  • Fixed an issue where combat levels displayed for other players fighting NPCs were sometimes incorrect

  • Resolved a bug where free players defeating the highest-level enemy incorrectly received very high-level weapon and armor drops

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